1. 移除在PX-2410TA機背後的散熱風扇,因為太多使用者抱怨:「散熱風扇的聲音增加了個人電腦的整體運作噪音」,雖然該風扇是被設計為比CPU風扇還要來的安靜
There exist an emphasized impression to the drive with cooling fan
that seems to increase total PC operating noise. The cooling fan incorporated
with PX-W2410TA is designed to operate much smoother when it compared
to CPU fan, however lots of negative comments were fed from users.
2. 因為晶片製程改良,所以從積體電路晶片所產生的熱量大幅度降低
The heat generation from LSI chip was reduced, thanks to
the minor modification.
3. TLA編號為02XX之後生產的機器適用於此項改變
TLA Number changes to 02XX from 01XX.
4. 所有在台灣區正式銷售的Plextor燒錄機,都是在日本Plextor原廠生產製造
All the Plextor CD-RW which be sold offically in Taiwan
are "Made in Japan".
5. Plextor在馬來西亞(或東南亞)並沒有任何工廠
Plextor does not have any manufacture and OEM manufacture
in Malysia.